Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Book reference Author| URL| Retrieved| Skwirk| From the appearance of the primary armada, Vietnam was a disruptive issue * Australia conveyed a sum of 60000 soldiers, 521 kicked the bucket and 3000 were injured * all things considered, Vietnam is depicted as the reason for the best political and social difference and change * Many draft resisters, faithful dissenters, and dissidents were fined or imprisoned, while warriors met a threatening gathering on their arrival home.The experience of Vietnam waited with the fighters for long after they got back. Social Impacts: * Public reaction experienced a few phases during the war. * Early on, when Australia’s association was insignificant with just the job of trainingVietnamese warriors, general feeling was less basic, troops just sent to genuinely battle in 1965, they were simply preparing South Vietnamese officers structure 1962 onwards * Many, similar to the pattern in the mid 60s, started to grasp the US association and conseque ntly support came about * Most concurred with the danger of the socialist domino affect(although Menzies planned a great deal of this), which likewise prompted the acknowledgment of Australian inclusion in the mid 60s * Also, in the mid 60s, Australia was still preservationist, and the possibility of defiance and testing authority just set in later in the decade and the 70s.This implied that right off the bat many forewarned from scrutinizing the government’s choice. * As much as war wasn’t perfect, in the early parts, before induction, Australian’s acknowledged the war or gave little consideration as the Australians battling were fighters who joined the Army * The socially troublesome effect of Vietnam showed up post 1964 when the National Service Act was presented. This had the repercussions of sending reluctant Australians to war. Draft resistors who were regarded to not have genuine reasons were imprisoned on neglecting to follow the National Service Act * T hey were discharged in 1972 when Whitlam finished induction * The change of the Act in 1965 affirmed the unavoidable that national hirelings could be conveyed abroad, to Vietnam. * First time, an Australian was recruited to battle outside of Aust. erritory * Socially, some differ more with the idea of induction than the war itself, this possibly alluded to the way that socialist dissatisfaction was as yet solid and the Domino hypothesis was genuine, just not sufficiently able to make individuals disregard individual flexibilities. * This prompted enemy of war and hostile to enrollment fight bunches including * DENNIS TEXT * YCAC-Youth Campaign Against Conscription. 1964-7 SOS-Save our Sons. * Formed by parent bunches who didn’t need their children sent to Vietnam. * Formed in 1965, Australia wide, predominantly female overwhelmed organization. * Women were blamed for being ‘bad mothers’ and socialists when they moved toward MPs or authority * SOS saw numerous Lib eral voters move to the Labor camp. SOS was one of the main auditoriums that permitted ladies articulation. * Basically observed ‘everyday suburban’ ladies become nvolved in legislative issues and making a move to impact political choices * The women’s development of the 70s profited by against induction campaign gatherings, for example, SOS * Draft Resistance Movement. Shaped 1968 * The Committee for Defiance of the National Service Act. Framed 1969 * Vietnam Moratorium Movement * Formed in 1970, by then Vietnam was the longest war we had served in * Took type of quiet fights including numerous Australians from all states.This featured the developing resistance, and somewhat stunned the legislature * ALP, and Gough took care of this monstrous open exhibit * Moratorium occasions were for an enormous scope and to a great extent serene, these showings appeared to largerly affect government and political change. The legislature understood that, non-radical Australia ns had solid emotions about the war. * Really incited the decay of Aust. Association in the war * The way that consistently, the abhorrences of Vietnam were communicated on Aust. elevision sets, the development accumulated movement * The Movement excited the individuals, the less extreme who wouldn’t ordinarily fight, fought such was the exceptional emotions about the war * This development effectively battled for two causes; the abolishment of induction and the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam * Politically affected the Labor parties win of the 1972 political decision, finishing 23 years of Liberal guideline * Interestingly, just in 1969 anyway did an assessment of public sentiment recommend that a larger part restricted the war itself.Up up to that point, the objection was principally established in the issue of enrollment as opposed to struggle itself * However, as distress developed, numerous enemy of recruit bunches became hostile to war with the expectation that solita ry the finish of the war would end enrollment. * Another huge impetus for hostile to recruit fights was the revealing of the war. * Vietnam is viewed as the first ‘live war’ where the outrages happening were being communicated into Australian family rooms. This made sending youthful Australians into war without wanting to considerably increasingly ill-conceived. This additionally prompted a scrutinizing of whether this was ‘just’, or being attempted in the most human way that could be available. * This had the impact of likewise turning numerous enemy of recruit gatherings, to become against war by and large. The way that Vietnam was ‘live’ additionally helped the destruction of the Liberal government as individuals had direct proof to address what the administration was getting Australia and especially our youngsters into. Following the Labor triumph, and Gough Whitlam’s request for withdrawal, social effect for the returning officers w ould result * Trade Unions likewise contradicted the war, they named it ‘blood for Dollars’ or ‘diggers for dollars’ in light of the fact that they accepted we were just battling to the US would keep up its speculation into Australia. This view was not so much right * By the last stages, the bigger larger part of resistance originated from college understudies. From the start, the response was unassuming and numerous just saw the war along their favored ideological group lines * However, following enrollment, uni understudies started to turn out in full force.Some of this slant started to be partaken in the more extensive network as the war advanced into the late 60s * One of the significant social effects of the war was the destiny of the brought officers back. Because of the open idea of Vietnam and the outrages that Australian individuals saw the veterans were not praised in a similar manner as past war vets * This was an enormous change from before when the ANZACs were treated as legends * The deplorability of this was as much as the Aust.People were affected by what they saw, the real officers were scarred undeniably more fundamentally by what they encountered direct. * This aggravated the negative understanding of the returned fighters as not just where they underestimated they had nobody yet each other that could comprehend what they’d experienced. * These effects went on for any longer after the last Aust. Troops returned in 1972. * This has suggestions for congruity and change as following Vietnam, just because national hirelings and fighters weren’t rewarded with the equivalent admiration.The ANZAC veneration that appeared to follow past veterans didn’t happen with our Vietnam veterans. * This was an enormous change in our perspectives towards the military Political Impacts: * On face esteem, it’s simple to state Vietnam cost the Liberal party government following 23 years of rule * However after looking into it further unmistakably the political accord on Vietnam fluctuated between 1965-1972 * White Australia Policy finished in 1972 * We opened our fringes to non-white displaced people. This in itself was strong and divisive.Many of these displaced people battled close by our fighters however we despite everything had this dread of non-white settlers compromising the ‘Aust. Method of life’ * Discontent politically just truly accompanied Menzies presentation of Conscription on 1964. * However, Holt won the November 1966 political decision in a monstrous triumph, featuring that social discontent was not at its pinnacle. Induction crested later * The political impact of Vietnam likewise turned out to be progressively noticeable post 1967 when Edward Gough Whitlam became pioneer of the resistance. He lead a wild battle against enrollment which enraptured a swing of Liberal voters to the Labor party * This is the point at which the dissent development also topped an d was in full flight * 1969 political race, under Gorton featured the swing of voters. From the ALPs whipping of 1966 they expanded their offer in the House of Reps from 41 to 59 seats featuring the adjustment in votes. * The Liberal bit of leeway was just 7 seats now * Whitlam would proceed to win the 1972 political decision with guarantees of withdrawal from Vietnam and the abolishment of induction. The political scene was at long last moving to progressivism after numerous years on preservationist rule. This likewise started to occur on a state level * WA, NSW, TAS and SA all went from Liberal to Labor in races between 1972-1975 not long after the war * The Liberal’s National Services Act, was the single approach that truly achieved the ruin of the Government * as far as Political gathering support, the every single significant gathering bolstered the war at an opportune time * Liberal help proceeded all through * The DLP were exceptionally against socialist so additionall y upheld the war. The ALP gradually started to contradict the war, as a methods for assaulting the administration and furthermore their objection likewise spiked when enrollment was presented * Gough Whitlam no uncertainty utilized the disruptive nature, and ALPs dissatisfaction with Vietnam to the most preferred position. * Trade Unions likewise restricted the war, they marked it ‘blood for Dollars’ or ‘diggers for dollars’ in light of the fact that they accepted we were just battling to the US would keep up its speculation into Australia. This view was not so much right VIEWPOINTS ON THE VIETNAM WAR At the beginning of the period(1962) th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Fine Writing Paper and Stationery

Fine Writing Paper and StationeryThis year's article would focus on fine writing paper stationery. It is a very useful product to have for the author, as it can be used as reference when making notes about their work. These small pieces of paper are one of the best gifts available, and this article will provide you with information on what to look for when purchasing them.As the pages of a journal are normally of the same size, there is no need to purchase unique ones. They can be reused time and again, which is how some people get by with just one book, or just one page in a journal. The easiest way to display these pages, and ensure that they will hold up over time, is to put them in a file or storage basket that can be accessed easily when needed.Stationery like fine writing paper and fine writing pens are often grouped together to keep them from being stored away. When a business owner needs to share paper for documentation or presentation, the company can send them to the home a ddress of the writer. These can be given to a new hire, or may be sent to a sibling or parent, for use by family members or close friends.The desk top space of a home office is a good choice of place to store these items. The desk top, along with other appliances, can also be purchased separately, to make the desk as much used as possible. Many people who use the space as an entertainment center prefer to have an armoire, which contains the electronic components, games, DVDs, CDs, etc.In the past, people were only able to find high quality paper for selling, but these days many business owners prefer to go with fine writing paper. They have decided that the quality of their work is not going to suffer from using inferior products. This is an investment for the future, in terms of creating an image for their business. A lot of fine writing paper companies now make their own paper, which makes the purchase process a lot easier. There is a huge range of papers that can be made by hand, or with machines. The final choice is the customer's.It is easy to distinguish fine writing paper that has been manufactured locally, from one that has been manufactured overseas. The quality is far superior, and there is a far more uniform appearance when it is made overseas. This is one of the major benefits of buying high quality stationery online.Today, it is possible to choose stationery such as fine writing paper, stationery, and stamps. One of the main benefits is that it is so easy to buy quality stationery items from your own home, and have them delivered to your home as well. You can read more about this service and learn how you can benefit from it, here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Development Finance and Funding (Real Estate Development) Essay

Advancement Finance and Funding (Real Estate Development) - Essay Example This number of floors can anyway be decreased or expanded relying upon the size and kind of establishment which is a planned structure will have. The more extensive an establishment is, the more the quantity of floors which can be obliged. All structures in the region must be fitted with every social convenience and rates for encouraging those administrations must be transmitted suitably when required. Before any structure is developed here it is suggested that a natural effect appraisal report be submitted to guarantee that any normal or saw ecological concerns are tended to on schedule. It is in this way significant for all contacts of important specialists be set up and counseled before any exchange as to the land and expected reason can be affirmed. This report must go with whatever other application which will be made in regards to the land. This 2.5 section of land real estate parcel is situated in a prime district where so much private lodging advancement is broad and complex. As such its expense is generally exceptionally high contrasted with different locales inside the town. It may be exceptionally hard to buy the land utilizing the current assets of the organization. The terms of offer of the land will be adequately assessed and gauges taken to guarantee all the cash are accessible. There are a few alternatives the organization has including purchasing the land, create it or sell it as will seem suitable relying upon the limit of the organization to oversee expanded duties which will come because of extending the organization. The rate at which land acknowledges is the primary inspiration driving the choice to purchase this land. This is a venture which will never be lamented. The choice with regards to what the land will be placed into will rely upon a few reasons as will be concurred during considerations from th e pertinent boards of the organization. As at now the attention is on buying the land with the affirmation that even with no turn of events

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Culture Shock At The Work Place Coursework Assignment - 1925 Words

Culture Shock At The Work Place Coursework Assignment (Coursework Sample) Content: Students NameProfessors NameCourseDateCulture Shock at the work placeAccording to Kohls (1979), culture shock is defined as the term used for the pronounced reactions to the psychological disorientation that is experienced in varying degrees when spending an extended period of time in a new environment. It is the feeling that one experiences when they have moved from a familiar organizational culture to a new work place with a totally new culture. It is the shock of being in unfamiliar place where one is separated from the important people in their lives such as family friends and colleagues. In general, culture shock at the work place can be described as the stress or anxiety caused by being in a new or foreign place devoid of the familiar things and people one is used to. According to some researches, up to 40% of new employees dont make it past one year in a new organization for several reasons, top of them being stress caused by being in a new environment. Every o rganization has their own cultures, though not written in any manual or employee handbook, the culture is very much alive. Culture shock at organizations must be taken seriously by organizations and individuals so as to minimize stress in individuals that would result in underperforming by new employees.Culture shock at the new environment leads to confusion, stress, headache and quick anger at even very mundane matters. Confusion may come about as a result of matters of the unwritten or and etiquettes of the organization. Such issues as refusal by colleagues to answer the new employees after hours, an organization culture where people dont share information or a culture where bosses dont mix with junior employees (Gabel 375). All these issues and many more others can become stressful to the new employee especially where they is no sense of direction or stewardship. These are just but a few of the issues that define an organizations culture that may be different from other organizat ions. The following is a graph depicting the stages of culture shock in the work place.Some aspects of culture shock at the organization may be very unpleasant to go through while some are mild and can be contained quite easily. 1 Honeymoon PhaseThis phase is characterized by some kind of enthusiasm, euphoria and even excitement. This stage most commonly occurs at the stage where one is hunting for the job, going for interviews and eventually joining the new organization. Anxiety is as a result of not knowing what the future holds, facing the interviewers and eventually meeting the new faces who will be the new employees colleagues. 2 Anxiety StageThis comes about as a result of facing unknown situations which can lead to anxiety and frustrations. This is the duration when one is starting to get acclimatized to the new organization. This is the stage where one gets anxious about such things as the dress code, how do they take lunch? Do they hang out after work? With time, one can be able to address these issues by observing what goes on around him or her. Alternatively, they can ask questions to these effects and other issues that causes them anxiety. It is best for one not to pretend to follow whats going on just by following the words being thrown about casually by the colleagues, it is best to seek proper communication regarding matters that may not be clear to avoid making mistakes. 3 Adjustment StageThis is the stage where one begins to shed off fear, the initial insecurity, anxiety and stress and begins to conform to the practices and norms of the new organization, otherwise called the organization culture. This is achieved with the help of time, patience and putting on the right attitude towards ones new environment. Through participation of social events as well as being open, one is able to get an excellent chance of learning the new cultures faster. 4 AcceptanceThis is the stage where one has learnt from the initial shocks of being in a new organizat ion with different work cultures from their old organization. This is the stage where one is being accepted into social circles of co-workers (Guy 393). The co-workers have also started to develop some like and trust for the new organization and are beginning to feel comfortable working on projects as a team.Symptoms of culture shock at work place * Frequent headaches * Anger- One is always angry, even small issues cause tremendous amount of unwarranted anger. * Anxiety resulting in unusual sweating, rapid palpitations, and general uncomfortability. * Confusion * Having sleepless nights and restlessness.Effects of Culture shock at the work place * Irritability and uneasinessBecause one is unsure of what to do and how to behave in a new organization they become very uneasy. The lack of a sense of knowing what to do makes them become irritated. In this situation, it is very easy for a new employee to misinterpret even a friendly joke as they become super-sensitive to what people say a nd do. The uneasiness and irritability may seem as a mild situation, however if not properly controlled by the individual, can lead to bigger problems for the new employee such as making irrational decisions and making a lot of mistakes in the course of their work. * Effect on healthCulture shock at the organization can cause worry in new employees. This worry can lead to headaches and stomachaches leading to discomfort. All of these effects can make it increasingly impossible for the new employee to concentrate on their work which may in turn lead to poor quality work. Worry, if it goes on for long unchecked, can lead to bigger health issues such as ulcers and other problems. * StressNew employees are bound to be stressed stemming from the fact that they do not know what to do or how to behave in their new environment. Issues like, who do I talk to? How will they take me? And other numerous questions cause worry and eventual stress on new employees. Stress is a serious health issue which if goes unchecked, may lead to serious health issues to an individual. Stress has been said by the health experts to be the number one killer disease ahead of HIV AIDS, cancer and even heart disease (Guy 393). In places like Latin America for instance, work related stress is at the present day acknowledged as one of the most serious epidemics in the work place where a lot of employees are increasingly being diagnosed with such dreadful ailments as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and others. Stress can impact individuals emotionally, physically, mentally and even behaviorally.Dealing with culture shockThere are several ways in which organizations and individuals can use to reduce or stop culture shock from being a big issue at the work place * At the time of inducting new employees, an organization must give clear directions regarding issues of dress code, code of conduct, chain of command among other things in order for new employees to have a sense of direction. Most organizations have the habit of bringing in new employees without taking them through induction, the end result is that the said employees make a lot of mistakes because they have no sense of direction. * New employees must be made to feel part and parcel of their new organization. They must be guided accordingly and the existing employees must be made aware well ahead of time about the impending changes so that the transition is both smooth for the incoming employee as well as the existing employees. * New employees must feel free to ask questions. A lot of times, new employees shy from asking questions because they are afraid of being taken in bad light. The only way to minimize making mistakes is by asking questions (Guy 393). Questions relating to their work and position, questions relating to code of conduct in the organization, questions relating to social structure of the organization among other questions. By so doing, the new employees will be able to get information that will help them to strike a balance in their new environment. * Part of integrating into the new culture will involve making mistakes. The mistakes here are not deliberate are mistakes. A new employee must expect to make mistakes. No one is perfect, least of all a new employee in a new organization. Fear and anxiety will lead the employee to making mistakes. This is the storm before the calm and one must take it in his stride and learn from the mistakes. Mistakes such as forgetting new names, titles, directions among other things will be common in the first few days but will fade away with time. With the right attitude and patience, these are problems that will fade away ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Different Definitions of the Word Pious Depicted in...

Platos Socratic dialog Euthyphro is in many ways archetypal of the sort of philosophy that Socrates is thought to have been interested in. In it (as in most classic Socratic dialogs), Socrates seeks out a person who claims to have a certain sort of knowledge. He then proceeds to show that these experts do not possess this knowledge by getting them to contradict themselves. With this in mind, I will discuss the three definitions of the word pious that the character Euthyphro gives to Socrates, and Socrates problems with each of these definitions. The dialog begins with Socrates and Euthyphro meeting at the king-archons court; Socrates has been summoned with charges of corrupting the youth and impiety, and Euthyphro wishes to†¦show more content†¦(6D) If there are actions other than punishing wrongdoers that count as pious, then Euthyphros initial definition is consequently rendered invalid. A definition of a word ought describe all instances of that word, and Euthyphro has ju st admitted that there are actions outside of his definition which also count as pious. It might be that it is pious to prosecute wrongdoers, but this in not an exhaustive description of all pious actions. Socrates presses Euthyphro for another definition of piety, begging that he answer the question properly. Euthyphro replies, â€Å"...what is dear to the gods is pious, what is not is impious.† (7A) This is a much different definition than the first—it has a much greater scope. Euthyphro argues that the gods have some ability such that their love of something makes it pious. Similarly, the gods have some power such that what they disapprove of or simply do not like is consequently impious. This is precisely the sort of definition that Socrates is looking for; if it is true, then all Socrates must do is determine whether or not some action is loved by the gods to know whether or not it is pious. Yet Socrates is not satisfied with this definition. He notes that, at le ast in the historic Greek religious tradition, varying gods are at war with one another. If the gods are at war with one another, then they certainly must disagree with one

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tulsa Race Riots - 1755 Words

Outline I. Introduction pg. 3 II. Riot Beginnings pg. 3 -4 III. Statistics pg. 4-5 IV. Lives Changed pg. 5-6 V. Reparations pg 6-7 VI. References pg. 8 Introduction The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was a dark time in the history of Oklahoma. It all began with a simple misunderstanding, but had catastrophic consequences. Homes and businesses were destroyed, many African Americans and whites were killed, and Tulsa had lost its soul. In the beginning Oklahoma was just a young state, and Tulsa was just a young town, trying to find its place in the world. The discovery of Oil quickly turned Tulsa into one of†¦show more content†¦Louis and many communities in between white mobs pursued what can only be described as a reign of terror against African Americans during the period from 1917 to 1923. As Mr. Patrick stated this was probably one of the worst if not the worst domestic act violence. Even today people do not have the knowledge or refuse to believe what happened that day in 1921. The official death toll was 35(Patrick, 1999) but it is believed that many more hundreds were killed, because many bodies were dumped into the river of coal mines or burned (Patrick, 1999). Here are other numbers that Mr. Patrick writes in his article, 1500 African American homes destroyed, 600 businesses destroyed, 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 stores, 2 movie theaters, a hospital, a bank, a post office, libraries, and schools. It takes people with an exponential amount of hate in their hearts would be able to do destroy institutions that exist only for the benefit of mankind. The Statistics prove that Greenwood Avenue was once vibrant and full of life. Greenwood Avenue not only just provided great economic means for African Americans, but it was a place where their hopes and dreams came alive. It was where they were free to prosper after a long history of slavery and discrimination. Lives Changed Many people had their lives destroyed, fortunes lost, and names tarnished. One of these men was J.B. Stradford, who had been a prominent lawyer andShow MoreRelatedThe Tulsa Race Riot Of 19211400 Words   |  6 Pages The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 was the culmination of racial tensions both endemic in American society as a whole in the period, and certain tensions peculiar to Tulsa, Oklahoma. In 1921, Greenwood and its African American population became the outlet for these often violent tensions seething among Tulsa’s white population. The following paper seeks to shed some further understanding on what motivated and pushed the whites of Tulsa, Oklahoma to such a violent, extreme reaction during the riot. ToRead More Tulsa Race Riots Essay1676 Words   |  7 Pages Tulsa Race Riot The Tulsa race riot changed the course of American history by actively expressing African American views on white supremacy. Before the events of the Tulsa race riot African Americans saw the white community taking justice into their own hands. Black citizens of Tulsa stood up against this sort of white mob. This escaladed into the Tulsa race riot. The Tulsa race riot and its effects weighed heavily upon the African Americans of this era. The first event was with the IndustrialRead MoreThe Tulsa Race Riot : The Black Population Of Tulsa At The Time Of The Riots3694 Words   |  15 PagesThe Tulsa Race Riot is an event that is quite possibly the most unknown and misconstrued piece of history in the United States of America. When and if it is discussed, it’s taken as a single event that happened in Tulsa and was deadly and very destructive. The many theories of what occurred and how it came to the extreme mob like violence taken on Tulsa’s own civilians. The evidence found suggest there were alternative motives in Tulsa for acquiring land that the black civilians held. This paperRead MoreThe Tulsa Race Riot Of 19211376 Words   |  6 PagesThe Tulsa race riot was a large-scale, racially motivated pogrom on May 31 and June 1, 1921, in which a group of whites attacked the black community of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The Greenwood District, the wealthiest black community in the United States, was burned to the ground. Over the course of 16 hours, more than 800 people were admitted to local white hospitals with injuries, the two black hospitals were burned down, and police arrested and detained more than 6,000 black Greenwood residents at threeRead MoreA Short Note On Oklahoma Race Riots And The Black Wall Street928 Words   |  4 PagesTu â€Æ' Tulsa Race Riots On May 31-June 1, 1921, a series of actions occurred in Greenwood, a small district in the northern parts of Tulsa, Oklahoma, which are now called the Tulsa race Riots. Being a segregated city like the rest of Oklahoma, many of Tulsa’s African American citizens resided in Greenwood- an area composed of predominately African American communities and business locations. The discovery of oil is the number one reason why Tulsa’s economy flourished. There was an abundance ofRead MoreThe Tragedy Of The 1920 S1525 Words   |  7 PagesSelena Carrizales Mrs. Lilley English III 10 March 2017 The Tragedy of the 1920’s Tulsa Race Riot Racism has been a huge problem in the U.S. for many decades now, and a big action that follows racism are the race riots. One of the biggest riots of the 1920’s was the Tulsa Race Riot, which involved the burning of the Greenwood area, and left many African Americans homeless. The Tulsa Race Riot was concluded to be one of the worst racial violent events in American history. On June 1, 1921 a sequenceRead MoreThe Race, Gender, And Murder Of Oklahoma During The 1920s Essay1648 Words   |  7 PagesIn chapter seven, â€Å"Spirited Away†: Race, Gender, and Murder in Oklahoma During the 1920s, it was about how a small but active group of African Americans appeared and fought for their rights when the twentieth century came around (pg. 135). According the author, when it came to the Jim Crow Laws in Oklahoma, it separated almost every aspect of life into white and colored. A number of them were quickly written into the states’ legal code and were founded on two basic principles. They were that AfricanRead MoreThe Resurgence Of The Kkk944 Words   |  4 Pages1920s involved infamous race riots, lynching, the Sweet Case, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. However, out of all these other factors, the Ku Klux Klan has left a huge impact on American history. To begin, there were many ways to show racism but, race riots were most common. One of the most famous race riots happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma. On the thirty first of May till the first of June in 1921, a handful of white people attacked an African American community. The Tulsa Riot started in an attemptRead MoreThe Destruction Of The Black Nation1440 Words   |  6 Pagesstill burns their lungs. The events are a recurring nightmare. While concealed from the 700,000 citizens dwelling and working in Tulsa, Oklahoma, they trod upon the grounds of the site of one of the most horrid race riots in America’s history. However, the witnesses of this atrocity would never be able to rid the images that were burned into their minds. The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 transpired in what was considered to be the Promise Land for the black populous (See Appendix A). For years the AfricanRead MoreNot Like Us : Immigrants And Minorities853 Words   |  4 PagesDaniels holds a Ph.D. in History, is the Charles Phelps Taft Professor at the University of Cincinnati, and has written several books on the matters of race and ethnicity. In Chapter 4 of his book, which is aptly titled â€Å"Postwar Passions†, Daniels chooses to focus on the experiences of African-Americans in the post-WWI era, specifically focusing on race riots that occurred during the â€Å"Red Summer† of 1919. (104) There is a long-standing history of racial discord between whites and African-Americans, but

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Behavioural Responses Associated with Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Question: Discuss the Emotional, Cognitive, and Behavioural responses that Mary is likely to Experience in relation to her Diagnosis. Answer: Introduction The diagnosis of cancer impacts various aspects of patients lives, which includes physical, psychological, spiritual, and social dimensions. This causes long-lasting effects after the diagnosis on the quality of the patients life(Zhou, Gautam, Recht, 2006). In this report, the situation of female named Mary was considered to identify and analyze the different responses, including behavioral, cognitive, and emotionalexperienced after the diagnosis of first stage breast cancer. Risks and related protective factors will also be discussed for Marys situation. Mary is a 25-year female who is married and have two twin children (boys with age 8 months). Her husband is not living with her as he is in the air force of Middle East. She first discovered her breast lump on the left side while she was showering. After which she becomes anxious about associated risks to her body. Her doctor indicated her first stage breast cancer, according to the tests conducted onher. Marys has restricted contact with his husband who was not available during the birth of twin children.As Mary lives in housing, provided by the department of defense, so she has no family relatives nearby. She regularly maintains contact with her siblings and parents through Skype and has not met them since the children were born. During the treatment, physicians set some goals to save patients lives, which include prevention of the spread of cancer in the body and protection of breast from possible cancer risks. The patient also shares these set goals, but during the early process of disease,the patient comes to know about the breast cancer which is not a disease confined to the breast but can also spread to other parts. Breast cancer is an illness that affects each and every aspect of the life of women and brings changes in her behavioral, psychological and cognitive functions. Females having breast cancer frequently experience a probable type of psychological and emotional reactions towards the diagnosis of cancer, which is based on the age and stage of a patients life.Marys age is only 25 years and secondary to her age, she can experience emotional and psychological issues. Mary experiences anxiety during and after the discussion of her results. Marys first reaction followed by cancer diagnosis was she wou ld be scared due to the thought of dying secondary to the disease as Mary is living alone with her children and there is no one around her to support or encourage her. The patients with breast cancer require and needs care for the provision of supportive and an emotionally safe environment during their medical treatment. But thereis no one except her physician to whom she can contact during the time of need. Mary needs her family and husband to be with her for supporting her fight with the disease which will further enhance her self-esteem to recover from the disease(Dentschuk, 2006). The most difficult time for the patient withbreast cancer is first 3-4 weeks after the diagnosis which is difficult to manage. During this time Mary finds her on a roller coaster of emotion crying uncontrollably and also feeling angry, withdrawn and depressed. Mary felt that her body betrayed her because she neither ate nor did anything wrong which could cause her cancer. This is a time when she eagerly wants to know about her illness, future impacts and its treatment and other related concerns like her survival and physical attractiveness after the cancer treatment. She worries about the reactions of her friends and family member for her cancer. Her concerns revolve around her twin babys future and responsibility of the family considering aftereffects of cancer, such as loss of a breast and real-life independence(Kwan et al., 2011). Mary being independent women may feel uncomfortable while asking for help and it may result in internal conflict. Marys concerns about her medical billswill also arise at some point, even if she has medical insurance secondary to a large number of tests and various bills associated with it(Wingfield, 2013). Mary may confuse and frustrate by the different available options for treatment (mastectomy or lumpectomy) and decisions she must make to prevent further damage due to cancer. She also needs to decide whether she requiresa second opinion and where to turn for emotional support.Unexpected problems, change in appearance secondary to cancer, and financial problems are the cause of emotional concerns of the cancer patients(Groarke, Curtis, Kerin, 2011). Research shows that satisfaction level of women increases with the amount of information she was provided after she had decided the treatment options. When the problems related to the primary treatment subside, the patient suffers from behavioral symptoms such asinsomnia, depression, and fatigue. There is a need for management of these symptoms to prevent its recurrence. Fatigue results from the chemotherapy treatment and associated anxieties of cancer.Mary also fears about the prejudices and discrimination she has to face in society secondary to her cancer-related effects(Wang, Chung, 2012).The psychological stress impacts the endocrine, immune, and autonomic system, resulting in the increased secretion or formation of inflammatory cytokines.Inflammation plays a key role inthe mechanism of the biological symptomssuch as fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance, and depression and it is also the cause of cancer recurrence which is the probable risk associated with breast cancer(Azim, Partr idge, 2014).The cognitive problemsexperienced by Mary are attention difficulty, problems with working memory and concentration, and difficulty with executive functions which can last for longer periods of time(Chen, Miaskowski, Liu, Chen, 2011). The protective factor for alleviating symptoms of cancer is family and social support. Mary needs people she can turn to gain comfort and strength. Support can be in any forms: friends, a cancer support organization, spiritual groups, counselors, family, and religious groups. These are very crucial need for the Mary situation. In this case of Mary, if she will be cared and loved by society members living nearby, then it willenhance her self-esteem and she will feel valued. It can result in improved well-being of the cancer patient.Mary would experience less mood disturbance and improved personality if she had more people to talk with in a social networkwhich will help to adjust during the first year after diagnosis. Mary also needs to suppress her emotions to prevent any exaggerations of hercancer. To manage the situation of Mary, her husband and parents should accompany her to encourage her and help in alleviating the associated symptoms with the help of coping strategies such posit ive reframing, planning, and self-distraction. The stoic acceptance and fighting spirit were the most common steps that the cancer patients apply to adjust. The strategy of self-distraction helps todeny, avoid, and suppress negative emotions, but they only give temporary relief.Positive reappraisal, problem-solving, cognitive avoidance, social support, and emotional discharge are the ways to manage the behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms related to cancer.Emotional support and expression of emotions playan important role in improving the wellbeing the patients as well as psychologicalstatus(Rey et al., 2012).An intervention based onbehavioral and psychological can decrease the fatigue of patient, but studies show that exercise has more positive impacts on decreasing fatigue, reducing inflammatory markers and increasing intervention efficacy (such as various exercise regimens and walking)(Borch, Braaten, Lund, Weiderpass, 2015). Mary must take part in an educational cancer group to get information regarding cancer and strategies to manage it as well as side effects of treatment which will have positive impacts on physical functioning, vitality, and limitations to their normal daily activities(Mehrabi, Hajian, Simbar, Hoshyari, Zayeri, 2015). Conclusions Being diagnosed with breast cancer and its treatment is physically and emotionally challenging for Mary. The psychologicalandphysical impacts of the cancer aftermath and its diagnosis are notable. The psychological response includes adverse impacts on immune secretions and the endocrine system of Mary(Rugo, Rosen, 2011).The behavioral symptoms are sleep disturbance, fatigue, anxiety and depression.Stress exerts direct impacts on physiological risk and psychological processes. The coping strategies for Mary are the provision of emotional support from her husband and family, social support to improve her well-being, exercise and self-distractions approaches can help manage her cancer-related issues. References Azim, H., Partridge, A. (2014).Biology of breast cancer in young women.Breast Cancer Research,16(4). Borch, K., Braaten, T., Lund, E., Weiderpass, E. (2015).Physical activity before and after breast cancer diagnosis and survival - the Norwegian women and cancer cohort study.BMC Cancer,15(1). Chen, M., Miaskowski, C., Liu, L., Chen, S. (2011). Changes in perceived attentional function in women following breast cancer surgery.Breast Cancer Research And Treatment,131(2), 599-606. Dentschuk, A. (2006). The impact of diagnosis and treatment of early breast cancer in young women - my own perspective.The Breast,15, S15-S16. Groarke, A., Curtis, R., Kerin, M. (2011). 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