Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about Research on History of Vietnam - 667 Words

Research on History of Vietnam To start with Vietnam was in the control of the French, they had gained control of it in 1883. They took charge of all the natural resources in Vietnam and added it to there empire. In 1940 Japan demanded the right to place Vietnam under military occupation. The French could not refuse as they were in WWII and they did not have the strength to fight the Vietnamese. By 1940 two parties had been formed; the Indochinese communist party and the national party. The two parties united and formed the Vietminh. The Vietminh was formed to create opposition to the Japanese. The Japanese bombed houses burnt crops and killed innocent people. The USA supplied the Vietminh†¦show more content†¦At the Geneva conference in 1954 the Americans were critical of the French for being ‘peace at any price’. This is what the agreement was; * France to give independence to Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam * Vietnam to be temporarily split in two by a partition along the 17th parallel * A strip of land separating the two sides to be a demilitarised zone * Free and Democratic elections to be held in 1956 to reunite North and South Vietnam under one leader. The US didn’t sign this agreement as they saw it to be like defeat for them. US critics said the agreement had ‘tilted the balance of world power towards communism.’ This was seen as very bad for the US as they were totally focused on stopping the spread of communism across the world. They saw a big threat in what they named the ‘Domino theory’. This meant that if one Asian country such as Thailand or Malaya became communist its neighbours would follow and spread it throughout the East. However the new ruler of the south, Ngo Dinh Diem, refused to hold the 1956 elections in Vietnam. He was unwilling to be the puppet rules that the Americans wanted but as he was against communism and was actively stopping the spread of it the Americans had no choice but to support him. Diem was very controversial and not very popular with the Vietnamese people. He put South Vietnamese peopleShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes Me Who I Am Today? Essay947 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many directions I could study my cultural history. I could search for so many answers to questions about my family. Are we descendents of Chinese people? Were we a powerful family in Vietnam? Are we related to any royalty? I could not decide how far back I wanted to explore my family tree or if I wanted to research my mother’s family or my father’s family. I was not even sure if I could find any answers at all. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Media and Diversity - 532 Words

Diversity in media has been a topic of concerns for years now. The diversity across all areas of media has seen significant change from that of the 50’s and 60’s. Comparatively, media representation has seen somewhat of a golden age in regards to diversity. Unfortunately, despite the progress we have made as a nation, we still have a ways to go in regards to properly diversifying our various forms of media. There are a few ways in which we can begin to diversify the how media is produced and well as how it is viewed. The media will need to get away from the status quo, media needs to portray a collective view and finally proper education and insight into the mindset of the target audience will help diversify the media. Media is stuck in a loop and to diversify it needs to try something new. The end goal of most media, regardless of the form, is to produce revenue. Therefore methods that have proven to work in the past will be repeated until shown to be unsuccessful. A recent article in Feminist Magazine discussed an annual report released by the Women’s Media Center on gender bias in major US media creation. The report discussed some reasons as to why media creation is still geared towards males. The main cause dealt with how marketers utilize media to target the group of people that have the most disposable income, white males 18 – 49 (Mandanas, 2014). This mentality was been the status quo for years and does not take in consideration other groups or combined marketingShow MoreRelatedThe Diversity Of The Media1418 Words   |  6 PagesAs America grows as a nation, the media must grow with us; our country is encapsulated in sites such as Twitter and Facebook and we hold access to mil lions of channels on the television. My generation has the world at our fingertips and with that comes knowledge, discussion, and awareness. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Specific Purpose To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements Free Essays

Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements. Thesis Statement: Through his early life experiences and with the knowledge he left behind, Sir Isaac Newton was able to develop calculus, natural forces, and optics. From birth to early childhood, Isaac Newton overcame many personal, social, and mental hardships. We will write a custom essay sample on Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is through these experiences that helped create him to be the person we know today, that is why he is worthy of the Scientist of the Century award. Introduction 1. Attention-getter: â€Å"What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean. said Isaac Newton 2. Establishment of ethos: As a former cell mate of Isaac Newton for 5 years with a 23 hour lock down, I really got to know the person. That’s why I believe I have the credibility to speak on behalf of Sir Isaac Newton. 3. Preview (each main point): First I will talk about Isaac Newton’s incredible inventions and discoveries. Next I will discuss the hardships of Newton’s life experience. Finally I will talk about the Scientist of the Year Award and provide reasons why Sir Isaac Newton is a well-deserved candidate of this award. Transition: To start with. . . ) Body I. Main idea 1: Isaac Newton is well known as one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. A. He studied and researched the binom ial theorem, light, telescopes, calculus and theology. After supposedly seeing an apple fall in the garden, he investigated gravity, but was unable to solve the puzzle until some years later. 1. Newton applied his binomial theorem to infinite series and from there developed calculus, a new form of mathematics. For the first time it was ossible to accurately calculate the area inside a shape with curved sides, and to calculate the rate of change of one physical quantity with respect to another. 2. In Newton’s day, many people were superstitious or afraid of what they could not understand such as the appearance of a comet, which was considered a sign of coming disaster. In 1684, Newton again began to consider gravity. He developed his theory of universal gravitation, what is known as the inverse square law. B. Sir Isaac Newton used prisms to show that sunlight was made up of all the colors of the rainbow. This proved that the ancient Greeks ideas about light were wrong. 1. Although he’s not the first to consider using a curved mirror instead of a lens, Newton was the first to successfully construct a telescope using this principle, a principle still used today in many telescopes (Internal summary/Transition: Now that I’ve provided a few examples of Isaac Newton’s many inventions and discoveries, I will now talk about Isaac Newton’s many personal, social, and mental hardships. ) II. Main idea 2: After many years of hard work, little rest, and plenty of controversy, Newton’s health failed suffering some mental illnesses and his theories being rejected by many scientist of his time. A. He suffered his second nervous breakdown in 1693. He also suffered recurrent attacks of depression, a mental illness he must have suffered from throughout most of his life. B. Although he engaged in arguments with scientists who dared dispute the correctness of his ideas, he acquired more admirers than critics, both inside and outside the English scientific community. . Newton eventually won acceptance because his theories produced better practical results. For instance, his theory correctly predicted the return of Halley’s Comet. (Internal summary/Transition: Now that I’ve described some of the hardships Newton went through I will now go into the Scientist of the Year Award and why Sir Isaac Newton is a qualified candidate. ) II. Main idea 3: Scientist of the Y ear Award is a set of annual awards by the Royal Society committees in recognition of scientific advancement. A. The Scientist of the Year Award has been presented every year since 1650. Many try to achieve this award but very few, if any receive it. B. Sir Isaac Newton is worthy to accept this award not only because of his theories that have changed mankind in today’s society but also because of his contributions to science, mathematics, optics, and physics (Internal summary/Transition to conclusion): Conclusion I. Summary of Speech Theme: Without Sir Isaac Newton’s theories it is not likely humanity would have reached the Moon or that the TV or even the radio would have been invented. II. Review (each main point): First I have demonstrated a few of Newton’s discoveries and inventions. Second, I’ve explained many of the hardship of Newton’s life that helped shaped who he was. Finally, I provided substantial evidence for reasons why Sir Isaac Newton deserves the Scientist of the Year Award. III. End with Impact: On behalf of myself, every scientist lucky enough to have worked with him and every researcher who makes new discoveries using his theories, I am pleased to present to you this year’s candidate of the Scientist of the Year Award, Sir Isaac Newton. How to cite Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Buyer Behavior - Marketing Strategy -

Question: Describe different descriptions of the external as well as the internal influences of the purchasing behaviour of the consumers. Answer: Introduction The present study illustrates different descriptions of the external as well as the internal influences of the purchasing behaviour of the consumers. The current study also elucidates in detail different factors of the external as well as internal influences with references to the different models explained in the empirical studies. In addition to this, the present report also analyses different aspects of consumer behaviours with special reference to the operations of Boost Juice, Cancer Council Australia and the Churches. Boost juice is a retail company that offers healthy food products like the Nutritionists Choice Smoothies and many others. Description of the internal influence Perception As rightly put forward by Wells and Foxall (2014), the Internal influences that exerts immense impact on behaviour of the consumer consist of the perception of an individual, knowledge acquired through learning, recollection, intention, personality, sensation as well as outlooks. Furthermore, perception essentially plays a key function in the entire practice of processing of information as well as formation of consumer decision. However, it begins with increased exposure of consumer as well as concentration to different marketing stimuli that in turn terminates with interpretation. Therefore, these three levels essentially build up the overall process of perception. The diagram drawn below provides an outline of the perceptual course of action. Figure 1: perceptual course of action The stimulus that is necessarily not perceived properly cannot be processed neutrally (Wells and Foxall 2014). Therefore, the method of information processing can be considered as a procedure whereby particular stimuli can be suitably perceived, altered into significant information and thereafter accumulated. As can be observed, the entire course starts with appropriate revelation to certain stimuli that includes advertisement that primarily leads to an instantaneous response of different sensory receptors. The consumers can perceive the product of Boost juice as a healthy alternative to different fast food products and can be perceived as a brand that is necessarily as cool as Apple by young customers. The customers has strived for a healthy fast food and wanted to acquire something healthy to eat as well as drink. This has created the demand for the food product of Boost juices offering products in the wellness category. The negative perception towards smoking can help individuals to put up precaution against diseases such as cancer. This perception can also promote the objectives of the Church and the institution for cancer prevention ( 2016). Gestalt Theories This particular theory has substantial impact on the comprehensive understanding of the overall perceptual processes that can be applied to two dimensional objects that makes it apposite for different marketing stimuli (Solomon et al. 2014). It involves different laws that refer to the following: Law of proximity- The approach of the merchandiser to this standard refers to the use of different display windows, positioning different items of clothing as well as accessories that in turn conveys message to the customer to envisage the product and subsequently purchase it. Law of closure- At the time when individuals gaze at an asymmetrical geometric figure they normally fail to observe the complicated details (Solomon et al 2014). This law can assist to elucidate the motive why customers are capable of filling in the absent words in advertisements for marketing. Learning Customers gain knowledge regarding different marketer-created stimuli such as the advertisements through acquired experience as well as prior knowledge (Schiffman et al 2014). However, this experience as well as knowledge acquired over time can affect the interpretation regarding the stimuli on the whole. Normally consumers are considered to possess bias attitudes towards their own preferred brands. Therefore, the outlook that customers of Boost Juice hold on to is actually the outcome of learning regarding healthy lifestyle that in turn tends to occur very rapidly. These expectations or else the outlooks that the customers establish are very difficult to adjust (Schiffman et al 2014). Accordingly, it can be said that the learning process occurs through connectedness to an environmental stimulus and particularly the stimulus takes place naturally. Motivation As rightly indicated by Schiffman, Kanuk and Hansen (2012), the motivation can be regarded as an energising strength that compels and activates different consumer behaviours. This can present purpose as well as direction to purchase behaviours and respond to the query regarding why customers engage in a particular manner. The motivation creates the drive and creates the want of the consumers. This in turn can develop a particular purchasing behaviour of the consumer. This can be regarded as the motivation process of the consumer behaviour. Figure 2: Motivation Process Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is essentially a macro theory that stresses the way the human needs can be regarded as the fundamental factor of consumption (Schiffman, Kanuk and Hansen 2012). Figure 3: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs The above diagram represents the stages of hierarchy succinctly and illustrates each of the stages that can be explained from the perspective of the basic level of the physiological wants and then to the more improved psychological needs. The physiological needs represents the needs refer to the account for food, water, shelter, sleep and many other physiological needs (Schiffman, Kanuk and Hansen 2012). This stage necessarily refers to all sorts of basic human necessities that are imperative for survival. The subsequent level represents the safety needs that include the need for physical safety, security, steadiness as well familiar environment. However, this concentrates on the feeling of satisfaction that enables development of a safe and secure surrounding. The consequent level is associated to the psychological need that refers to the belongingness that essentially gets reflected in the strong desire for love, friendship and is also acceptable to the entire society (Parumasur an d Roberts-Lombard 2012). The particular way in which the belongingness can be felt is primarily by attending the public gatherings or any other place. However, the esteem can be closely associated to this particular level as it focuses on the status as well as self respect. These requirements can be related to the feelings of the individuals sense of accomplishment as well as achievement. Finally, the level at the end located at the peak of the triangle can be referred to as the self actualization needs. This level or else the stage essentially refer to the yearning of the individual for the purpose of self-fulfilment that again in turn motivates the individual to achieve greater potential. The respective authorities can create negative motivation with the intention and purpose of preventing people to develop the habit of smoking. The Cancer Council Australia that is the centre of cancer prevention can aim at controlling the negative attempts of the activity and seek to generate a sense of fear among the individuals. This can motivate the people to abandon the habit of smoking and concentrate towards healthy lifestyles. Likewise the marketer of the Boost juice can generate positive motivation towards fulfilment of the need for healthy lifestyle and induce the demand for the healthy product of the company. Personality and attitude As rightly put forward by Martins, Yusuf and Swanson (2012), personality of an individual can primarily drive the behaviour of the consumer in order to attain different objectives in diverse situations. Personality can be referred to as a variable that can help the marketers in understanding the influence of individual traits on different purchasing behaviour of consumers. However, there are diverse dimensions of the trait theory as is mentioned in the five factors Model that indicates the multi-trait personality theory. This particular theory helps in capturing considerable amount of the individuals personality by utilizing the five different attributes. The intention and purpose of the model is primarily to recognize the five basic traits developed through genetics as well as learning in the childhood (Martins, Yusuf and Swanson 2012). The diagram below mentions different core traits of the individuals that can manifest themselves in definite behaviours that result from diverse sit uations. Attitudes essentially include three important elements, namely, the Affective, Behavioural and Cognitive aspects as proposed in the ABC Model of attitude. Attitudes also refer to an important factor from the perspective of the marketers as it has the potential to direct customers to products or else services that the consumers prefer (Parumasur and Roberts-Lombard 2012). The wellness division can be considered as the fastest developing retail section in the world as the health issues are regarded the key concern for individuals. The entire wellness industry of Australia approximately generates revenue amounting to US $ 2 billion per year and is still growing by more than 30% every year. Boost Juice markets healthy food and drinks such as the Smoothies that can be considered as healthy alternatives. Therefore, the consumer who once bought the hamburgers or else the candy bars for the meals are moving to the fresh food categories. Therefore, the personality traits of the individuals can get influenced and drive them to purchase Boost juice in response to the situation that reflects the increased awareness among people regarding health. Again, the marketers can focus on the emotional response of the consumers that refers to the behavioural components of the attitudes that can create the demand for the products of the company. The version towards the unh ealthy lifestyle can in this case generate the attitude, For instance, quitting smoking and eating unhealthy food ( 2016). Figure 4: five factors Model Description of the external influence Group influence As rightly indicated by Jolibert (2012), there exists close association between the buying preference of thee consumers and the influence of different reference groups. The consumer psychology essentially refers to the way individuals or else the groups get involved in different consumer activities and the resultant impact it exerts on the buying preference of the consumers (Lee and Carter 2012). The external influence in the buying behaviour of the individuals might get influenced in different ways owing to diverse reference groups. The influence of the reference groups can be enumerated and scaled for understanding the power of the influence on the responses of the consumers (Lee and Carter 2012). The reference groups might perhaps consist of the familiar groups or else the external peer groups where each of the group can deliver definite as well as conflicting information that in turn can affect the overall buying and the consumption behaviour of the consumers. The marketers can c oncentrate on the group influence for formulating the marketing strategies of the Boost juices. Culture Culture can be referred to as the overall summation of the learned beliefs, erudite beliefs, values as well as customs that can direct the behaviour of the consumers belonging to a specific community (Consumer Behaviour 2014). However, in a broad perspective both the values as well as beliefs can be regarded as the mental images that in turn can affect and influence the wide range of definite consumer attitudes. This process can in turn influence the manner an individual analyses different alternative brands in a particular product category. Cultural facts vary between nations, and it increasingly becomes more intricate when individuals migrate to different places having different cultural dimensions (East et al 2013). In such cases, people are primarily subjected to various types of cultural references groups that consequently affect the buying behaviour of the consumers. Therefore, the marketers of Boost Juice also needs to develop appropriate strategy of marketing communication that can address both the cultural as well as the reference group facets from the perspective of both local as well as global aspects. The Consumers of Boost juice prefer smoothies as they view it as a healthier alternative to most of the fast foods and sweets and all other on-the-go meals. This reference group here refers to the friends, family and other familial group who need to be made more aware as regards the healthy lifestyle. This in turn can create a sort of bandwagon effect. Greater awareness regarding healthy food option can create higher demand for the product and ensure growth of Boost Juice (Jolibert 2012). The health awareness among the reference groups can also influence people to quit smoking and ensure prevention from deadly diseases like the cancer. Analysis of consumer behaviour This current study helps in conceptualizing the primary reason behind engagement in different consumer activities. It is appealing for a customer to have a comprehensive understanding regarding the ways marketing as well as individual differences can persuade information processing as well as decision making. In conclusion it can be said that the effect of both the external as well as the internal influences of the consumer behaviour helps in framing the marketing strategies. However, the marketing strategies depend on exploration regarding the consumer motivation and behaviour by the marketer. Their stratagems are primarily based on both explicit as well as implicit beliefs as regards the consumer behaviour. Therefore, the Marketing research intends to enhance the knowledge of customers to acquire perceptive as well as competitive advantage so as to better predict needs as well as desires of consumers. References (2016).Boost Juice. Consumer Behaviour. (2014). Routledge. East, R., Vanhuele, M. and Wright, M. (2013).Consumer behaviour. London: SAGE. Jolibert, A. (2012).Marketing management. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Lee, K. and Carter, S. (2012).Global marketing management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Martins, J., Yusuf, F. and Swanson, D. (2012).Consumer demographics and behaviour. Dordrecht: Springer. Parumasur, S. and Roberts-Lombard, M. (2012).Consumer behaviour. Claremont, South Africa: Juta. Schiffman, L., Kanuk, L. and Hansen, H. (2012).Consumer behaviour. Harlow, England: Pearson Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Schiffman, L., O'Cass, A., Paladino, A. and Carlson, J. (n.d.).Consumer behaviour. Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M. (n.d.).Consumer behaviour. Wells, V. and Foxall, G. (n.d.).Handbook of developments in consumer behaviour.