Friday, December 13, 2019

Specific Purpose To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements Free Essays

Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements. Thesis Statement: Through his early life experiences and with the knowledge he left behind, Sir Isaac Newton was able to develop calculus, natural forces, and optics. From birth to early childhood, Isaac Newton overcame many personal, social, and mental hardships. We will write a custom essay sample on Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is through these experiences that helped create him to be the person we know today, that is why he is worthy of the Scientist of the Century award. Introduction 1. Attention-getter: â€Å"What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean. said Isaac Newton 2. Establishment of ethos: As a former cell mate of Isaac Newton for 5 years with a 23 hour lock down, I really got to know the person. That’s why I believe I have the credibility to speak on behalf of Sir Isaac Newton. 3. Preview (each main point): First I will talk about Isaac Newton’s incredible inventions and discoveries. Next I will discuss the hardships of Newton’s life experience. Finally I will talk about the Scientist of the Year Award and provide reasons why Sir Isaac Newton is a well-deserved candidate of this award. Transition: To start with. . . ) Body I. Main idea 1: Isaac Newton is well known as one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. A. He studied and researched the binom ial theorem, light, telescopes, calculus and theology. After supposedly seeing an apple fall in the garden, he investigated gravity, but was unable to solve the puzzle until some years later. 1. Newton applied his binomial theorem to infinite series and from there developed calculus, a new form of mathematics. For the first time it was ossible to accurately calculate the area inside a shape with curved sides, and to calculate the rate of change of one physical quantity with respect to another. 2. In Newton’s day, many people were superstitious or afraid of what they could not understand such as the appearance of a comet, which was considered a sign of coming disaster. In 1684, Newton again began to consider gravity. He developed his theory of universal gravitation, what is known as the inverse square law. B. Sir Isaac Newton used prisms to show that sunlight was made up of all the colors of the rainbow. This proved that the ancient Greeks ideas about light were wrong. 1. Although he’s not the first to consider using a curved mirror instead of a lens, Newton was the first to successfully construct a telescope using this principle, a principle still used today in many telescopes (Internal summary/Transition: Now that I’ve provided a few examples of Isaac Newton’s many inventions and discoveries, I will now talk about Isaac Newton’s many personal, social, and mental hardships. ) II. Main idea 2: After many years of hard work, little rest, and plenty of controversy, Newton’s health failed suffering some mental illnesses and his theories being rejected by many scientist of his time. A. He suffered his second nervous breakdown in 1693. He also suffered recurrent attacks of depression, a mental illness he must have suffered from throughout most of his life. B. Although he engaged in arguments with scientists who dared dispute the correctness of his ideas, he acquired more admirers than critics, both inside and outside the English scientific community. . Newton eventually won acceptance because his theories produced better practical results. For instance, his theory correctly predicted the return of Halley’s Comet. (Internal summary/Transition: Now that I’ve described some of the hardships Newton went through I will now go into the Scientist of the Year Award and why Sir Isaac Newton is a qualified candidate. ) II. Main idea 3: Scientist of the Y ear Award is a set of annual awards by the Royal Society committees in recognition of scientific advancement. A. The Scientist of the Year Award has been presented every year since 1650. Many try to achieve this award but very few, if any receive it. B. Sir Isaac Newton is worthy to accept this award not only because of his theories that have changed mankind in today’s society but also because of his contributions to science, mathematics, optics, and physics (Internal summary/Transition to conclusion): Conclusion I. Summary of Speech Theme: Without Sir Isaac Newton’s theories it is not likely humanity would have reached the Moon or that the TV or even the radio would have been invented. II. Review (each main point): First I have demonstrated a few of Newton’s discoveries and inventions. Second, I’ve explained many of the hardship of Newton’s life that helped shaped who he was. Finally, I provided substantial evidence for reasons why Sir Isaac Newton deserves the Scientist of the Year Award. III. End with Impact: On behalf of myself, every scientist lucky enough to have worked with him and every researcher who makes new discoveries using his theories, I am pleased to present to you this year’s candidate of the Scientist of the Year Award, Sir Isaac Newton. How to cite Specific Purpose: To give honor and recognition for his scientific achievements, Essay examples

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